Interested in collaborating?
Say hello at: amyoncheng@gmail.com
In leadership roles, I strive to lead with empathy, active listening, and a focus on developing each team member’s strengths. To me, successful teamwork enables each person to:
- Feel purposeful in their contributions
- Feel seen and heard
- Exercise their strengths and potential, with opportunities to grow
- Support others and to be supported
My values as a leader, collaborator, and team member:
- Clear communication
- Respectful honesty and boundaries
- Humility and continual learning
- Accountability and integrity
- Self awareness, empathy, sensitivity towards others
- Realistic goal setting
I thrive working with like-minded folks who are passionate and strive for excellence. It is really satisfying and energizing being part of a team that cares about one another, works harmoniously together, and shares laughter and comradery while working hard towards common goals.
“(Amy is) not just a researcher, having significant experience as an urban farmer. This combination of talents puts her in a unique position, someone who can analyze events and experiences from multiple angles, both practical and conceptual.
She writes and speaks very well, has very insightful observations on phenomena and is highly organized. She’s also a delight to work with, always timely in her contributions, a very good listener, understands well her own strengths and weaknesses, and is a strong team player.”
– Dr. Roderick MacRae, Canadian Food Policy Expert & Analyst, Associate Professor,
Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University
“Amy understates her strengths as a farmer, market gardener, and manager. Her quiet abilities make her easy to work with and great to be around. She genuinely cares about the people she works with and the projects she works on. This care expresses itself in thorough planning and meticulous execution.”
– Carl Leslie, Farm Coordinator, FoodShare Flemingdon Community Farm

Strengths & Working Style
- Fluent in Cantonese (conversational)
- Diverse experience, interdisciplinary thinking and problem-solving
- Empathic, thoughtful, organized, methodical, and detail-oriented
- Artistic, strong eye for design
- Physical stamina, enjoys physical work (farming, technical production, ultra-runner, and rock climber)

Organic Farming & Farm Management
- 7 seasons
- Special interest in Asian crops
- Field and greenhouse production
- Managing and training staff
- Record keeping for organic certification, crop production and yields, CSA (up to 125 members) and markets sales
- Seedlings production, planting, pests and disease management, harvesting, processing, and crop storage
- Working knowledge of soil fertility and cover crops management
- Working knowledge of infrastructure and irrigation set-up, use of common equipment and materials: driving tractor and BCS, Earthway seeder, flame-weeder, wheel-hoe, row covers and tarps techniques, etc.

Teaching & Facilitation
- Diverse topics: ecological agriculture, urban farming, arts education
- Program development, coordination, facilitation, and instruction incorporating a social justice lens
- Curriculum design and delivery for academic courses and community settings
- Experience with diverse learners: kids, youth, post-secondary, adults, seniors, racialized communities
- One-on-one mentoring, staff and volunteer training

- Masters in Environmental Studies, outstanding graduate paper award
- On-farm crop variety trials
- Community-based and participatory research with small-scale farmers

Arts & Design
- 7 years’ experience in technical arts production for live theatre and museums
- Arts technician for national and regional arts organizations across Canada
- Arts education curriculum design and delivery for kids and youth
- Freelance graphic design
- Graphics production
- Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign, Canva